Ronald A. Weist

Network Engineer Candidate

 Network Experience   Hardware Experience   Software Experience   Resume Home   Network Diagrams   Scopes of Work   Internal Proposals 

Customer Scopes of Work

 Intrusion Detection System   Packeteer Packetshaper   Network Sniffer 
 Dial Backup Scope   Line Upgrade   Site-to-site PIX VPN Scope 

Packeteer Scope of Work

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 Scope Of Work




I.                     Gather necessary information from client

II.                   Configure Packeteer for operation

III.                  Verify operation of the RAS connection

IV.               Install Packeteer at client site

V.                 Monitor Packeteer at client site

VI.               Analyze Traffic patterns

VII.              Control Mission Critical/prohibited traffic




I.                     (At Enveloptech) Gather information from the client

A.     Accurate network diagram

1.      Shows both LAN and WAN

2.      Shows Addresses and gateways

B.     Accurate listing of protocols/applications used on the network

1.      Mission critical applications

2.      Acceptable applications

3.      Suspected prohibited applications

C.    2 IP addresses for Packeteer operation

D.    Phone number for POTS line connection to the Packeteer

E.     Link speed of the outgoing Ethernet connection


II.                   (At Enveloptech) Configure Packeteer for operation

A.     Set interface and gateway addresses

B.     Set the correct link speed

C.    Set it to operate with the RAS modem

D.    Set necessary usernames and passwords


III.                  (At Enveloptech) Test the RAS connection availability

IV.               (At Client Site) Install the Packeteer before the last hop to the WAN

A.     Let the Packeteer run for at least one day

B.     Log in and verify that it has classified data beyond the “default” bucket

C.    If “B” above is true, clear the contents of the buckets


V.                 (At Enveloptech) Monitor the progress of the Packeteer

A.     Check in daily to see if proper classification is occurring

B.     It may take 3 – 5 days for a good pattern to immerge

1.      Save the data when there is a good pattern

2.      The monitor should be stopped at the technicians discretion

VI.               (At Enveloptech) Analyze the gathered data

A.     Print out “Snap Shot” network performance pages

1.      Network Inbound/Outbound Utilization

2.      Efficiency

3.      Top 10 Classes

4.      Traffic Class Tree

B.     Print out additional graphs as necessary

1.      Largest 80% WAN utilization chart

2.      Top Talkers/Listeners

C.    Make particular note of up to 3 mission critical applications as defined by the client

D.    Make particular note of up to 3 prohibited applications as defined by the client

E.     Write up a brief summary of recommendations for the client


VII.              (At Enveloptech or Client Site) Discuss the findings on site of over the phone

A.     Show the client the charts (via the Packeteer WWW server if remote)

B.     Have them identify up to 3 mission critical applications to set aside bandwidth for

C.    Have them identify up to 3 prohibited applications to restrict bandwidth from

D.    Additional traffic shaping is possible for an additional charge to cover the engineer’s time.


VIII.            (At Enveloptech or Client Site) Apply traffic shaping

A.     Set minimum and maximum bandwidth for up to 3 mission critical applications

B.     Set minimum and maximum bandwidth for up to 3 prohibited applications

C.    Educate the client on the basics of how this functions

D.    Show an example


IX.               Additional traffic shaping

A.     Will be charged at salesman’s discretion

B.     Can be considered warrantee work if applicable




1.      Configuration Information


a.               The customer must provide a detailed network diagram to insure proper placement of the Packeteer box.  This would include network addressing, protocol information, and a list of applications that should be running on the network.  This must be completed prior to equipment configuration and installation.

b.               The customer must insure that the WAN and LAN circuits are up and operational during the time of the data gathering, and that traffic patterns will be as normal as possible during that time as well (ie. No major topology or computer changes occurring at the same time)

c.                The customer must provide 2 IP addresses to Enveloptech for the Packeteer installation.

d.               The customer must provide a gateway address for the Packeteer.

e.               The customer must provide Inbound/Outbound link speed for the Packeteer.

f.                  The customer must provide a standard phone line (POTS) for remote access to the Packeteer.

g.               The customer should attend -- or be available for comments during -- the initial discovery phase of the project to insure accurate and timely information is shared to aid the performance of the Packeteer.


2.      Environmental Factors


Customer is responsible for providing a sufficient space for the installation of the Packeteer equipment.


Customer is responsible for providing a sufficient number of power outlets to run the equipment. These outlets should be isolated from an electrical circuit that may create electronic interference with data communications equipment.


Customer is also responsible for providing the appropriate operating environment for the Packeteer as described by the manufacturer of the equipment.




1.      Hours Of Work

All work to be done within normal business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm). Projects requiring labor outside of these hours will be charged at a premium overtime rate.



This Scope of Work has been agreed to and accepted by:




                                                                                        (Client Signature)


                                                                                        (Print here)




                                                                                        (Enveloptech Signature)


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